Mbuna Cichlids:
Most Mbuna cichlids that live among the piles of rocks and along the rocky shores of Lake Malawi. Their striking colors, intriguing behavioral characteristics, and relative hardiness make them very popular despite their unique demands for the african cichlid aquarium.
These african cichlids are some of the most colorful freshwater fish for the home aquarium. They are a very aggressive and territorial fish and do best in a species only set-up.
Diet: Most are Herbivores and primarily feed on "Aufwuchs", which is a combination algae, diatoms, biofilm, and tiny organisms like crustaceans and insect larvae. In the wild, this film grows naturally on the rocks in the shallow parts of the lake.
In the aquarium, use a high quality, low protein mixed plant based diet of flakes or pellets. These cichlids are extremely prone to bloat in the home aquarium if fed a continuous diet with high protein. They also appreciate algae growing on the surface of decorations. The will continuously "graze" on it.
Habitat: A suitable aquarium includes many rocks, adequate filtration, caves, and hiding places. If using rocks, ensure there are no sharp edges. Plants may be uprooted, so they are best avoided, but a small number will work well in the aquarium. One of these is Java Fern, which may become the object of aggression, but will not be eaten due to an undesirable taste.
Tempermant: they exhibit strong social behavior and establish a clearly visible social hierarchy including well-defined and enforced territories. A dominant male maintains a spherical territory, only allowing females to enter this territory for breeding purposes. Overcrowding helps spread out the aggression caused by these territorial conflicts. They are maternal mouthbrooders and breed readily in good conditions.
They require hard water with a higher ph to thrive. You can acheive this by using reef rock or substrate to help buffer the water. Also you can use additives to acheive the same results. we have a full range of additives to help buffer your aquarium here:
https://www.sanctuarycichlids.com › collections › dry-goods