Collection: Julidochromis


The Julidochromis genus is a small group of cichlids in Lake Tanganyika with about 5 described species and a number of variants or possible subspecies. They are commonly known as “Julies” in the aquarium hobby. They are small to mid-sized cichlids with elongated torpedo shaped bodies. Their coloration is a yellow or whitish background with either black horizontal stripes or a checkerboard pattern. They inhabit rocky areas and mostly form monogamous pairs, though pairs can be broken with the smaller fish being driven off or even killed. These fish are secretive bi-parental substrate spawners, mostly spawning in caves or crevices in the rocks. They are very territorial, but as parents, after a week or two they generally will neither protect nor attack their young, but small fry still gain protection by residing within their parents territory.

This genus is one of the smallest groups in the tribe Lamprologini. The Lamprologini tribe contains seven genera and nearly 100 species of African Cichlids, most of which are found in Lake Tanganyika. The Lamprologini cichlids are highly variable and are found in all kinds of habitats. They are found both at the surface and in very deep waters, but all species are substrate spawners. Like other genus in the tribe, the julidochromis will mate with females of other Lamprologini.

These cichlids are found in open waters and shallow rocky areas with a sandy substrate. Monogamous pairs are most common in waters no deeper than 35 feet. They feed on algae and invertebrates that they pick from the rock and sand.


Diet: Live and frozen foods should comprise a large proportion of the diet. Dried foods can be fed, but less often. Some vegetable matter, such as spirulina or blanched spinach should also be fed.

Tempermant: A territorial species. It can be maintained successfully with other small to medium-sized Tanganyikan cichlids that occupy different areas of the tank, such as Neolamprologus shelldwellers and Cyprichromis species. The aquarium itself should be at least 36″ in length. A suitably large aquarium is required if several are to be kept together.

Breeding: Easy but patience is required. Bi-parental cave spawner. We suggest the purchase of a group of young fish and allowing these to pair off naturally. Once a pair forms (this may take a year or more), the other fish should be removed from the aquarium, as the pair will remain together for life. and set up as suggested above. 

pH: 8.2-9.0

Temperature: 77-80°F.
